Serve at Trinity

It is our belief at Trinity that God has given every person certain gifts and abilities. And these gifts are not given so that a person can accumulate them for their own good, but rather to employ them in worship and love. The way to true joy and satisfaction is when one looks outside themselves and seeks the good of their neighbor. To that end, we believe that for you to be the person you were created to be, you should serve others in some way. There are many ways to serve outside of the walls of our building (see local outreach), but there are also needs we have as we gather for worship, small groups, bible studies, etc.

Ways to Serve at Trinity

  • Music ensemble
  • Choir
  • Small group leader or host
  • Youth Ministry
  • Nursery volunteers
  • Sunday School teacher
  • Usher/Greeter
  • Snack coordinator
  • Building & lawn maintenance
  • And more…

Contact the church office to talk about how you can get plugged in serving at Trinity. There are always ideas and ways to serve that we’ve never thought of, so feel free to express your desire to serve in a certain way.