July 26, 2009

The Essence of True Spirituality

Passage: Micah 6:6-8
Service Type:

The Essence of True Spirituality – Micah 6:6-8What does the walk of faith look like? What is the essence of true, biblical spirituality?A. The Argument for the Prosecution: God’s __________ Against His People (1-3)They had _______________ of the Lord and what He had called them to.1. God’s __________ was clear2. The result of all this was the nation had come under God’s __________3. An _______________ plea- (v. 3)B. The Argument for the Defense: The Response of God’s People to the Charge of God (6-7; 4-5)We aren’t weary of you God! Just Look at our _______________!1. They thought: More ceremonial piety must be what __________ seeks. So we will do more _______________ things!2. The proper motivation for worship and work is __________ for grace issuing forth in true _______________! (vs 4-5)So what is this true biblical spirituality?C. The Verdict: We Must Pursue True Biblical Spirituality (8)A Return to True, Biblical _______________1. True Spirituality Includes ____________________-2. True Spirituality Includes _____________ (Mercy) -3. True Spirituality Includes _________ with our God –So what is true, biblical spirituality? The doing of __________ and ______ as __________ acts of __________ before the living God which are motivated by a deep sense of __________ for His _______________ actions in not treating us as we deserved.