The Essence of a Woman’s Greatness is a Mother’s Greatest Gift
The Essence of a Woman’s Greatness is a Mother’s Greatest Gift
I Peter 3:4-6
What makes a woman great?
Since God has set mothers apart for a special calling, they must __________ in Him to enable it.
A Holy Woman and a Godly Mother…
A. _______________ in God (v. 5a)
1. It was these women’s __________ that made them holy!
2. What is hope?
3. Why is this virtue particularly effective in mothers?
B. Adorns Herself with __________ Beauty (v. 4, 5b-6a)
1. What is _______________?
2. What kind of adornment does hope in Christ enable?
3. Why is the virtue of Godly submission especially important in morthers?
C. Does Good Without __________ (6b)
1. Defining Good and Fear
2. Doing God’s will as a mother can be _______________!
3. How is this virtue especially impactful as demonstrated by mothers?