August 16, 2009

Gospel Show and Tell

Passage: Luke 10:25-37
Service Type:

Gospel Show and Tell – Luke 10:25-37Seven Principles Upon Which to Ground our Involvement in Engage St. Louis…1. Doing justice mercy is a legitimate __________ of true faith but an inadequate __________ of acquiring it (25-29)2. The need for justice and mercy is only a __________ away from all of us (30)3. Sometimes it is those who __________ the most who __________ the least (31-32)4. Doing Justice and Showing Mercy requires actively __________ to the needy regardless of __________ (33-34)5. Doing Justice and Showing Mercy should begin with meeting a person’s most _______________ need and deliberately proceed forward from there toward a clear presentation of the __________. (34)6. Doing Justice and Showing Mercy involves giving what we __________ and promising __________ as the need persists. (34-35)7. Initial mercy comes __________ conditions, but only proceed with gospel based __________. (33-35)Conclusion -