September 20, 2009

An Anniversary Appeal

Passage: Mark 1:14-17
Service Type:

Part 1 of a Series on Mark

An Anniversary Appeal – Mark 1:14-17
What is the main thing?
The ___________ proclamation of the _______________

The Gospel of God is Amazing!
But what’s so amazing about it?

1. The Gospel of God is ____________________ (14a)
a. It outlasted _______________
b. It outlasted _______________
c. It outlasted the _______________
d. It will outlast ______________

2. The Gospel of God is ____________________ (14)
a. It was preached by ____________________
b. It was preached by the _________________
c. The Gospel is eminently ________________

3. The Gospel of God is ____________________(15)
a. It stirs ____________________
b. It engenders _______________
c. It stimulates a ______________

The main thing on our 1st Anniversary is to keep the _______________ of God’s grace at the center of everything we do.