Men’s Ministry

trinity church kirkwood men's ministryOur goal is to help men better pursue God’s purposes in their lives as husbands, fathers, friends, and leaders. We do this through men’s fellowship events, retreats, discipleship groups, and bible studies.

The men gather for bible study and discussion on Wednesdays at 6:15pm or Fridays at 6:30am (on the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd weeks of the month). This semester the men are studying the Books of 1 & 2 Timothy.

On the 1st and 3rd Wednesday of the month at  8pm, men from Trinity get together in an informal setting for food, drinks, and fellowship. For more information on where we meet and what we do, contact the church office.

Trinity also offers men’s discipleship groups. For more information on how to get plugged in contact the church office.