Children’s Ministry

Trinity Children’s Ministry exists to walk alongside families in raising covenant children for the glory of God, assist parents in discipling and equipping children in their faith, create intergenerational community within the church, and proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ to a lost world, while providing a safe, enjoyable, and relationally stimulating ministry environment.


The Trinity Nursery is divided into two rooms: the infant room and toddler room. The infant room is for babies 6 weeks through 18 months of age. The toddler room is for children 18 months through 3 years old. Childcare with purpose, the nursery incorporates age appropriate Bible lessons using The Rhyme Bible Storybook for Toddlers, Children’s Catechism, and Simply the Gospel sensory bins. Nursery is offered during Sunday morning worship, during the Sunday School hour, and for other select programming. Check in times for nursery are 9:20 – 9:40 am (Sunday morning worship) and 10:50 – 11:05 am (Sunday School).

Sunday School

The heart of Children’s Ministry, Sunday School provides a Biblical education for children ages 3 (by July 31 of the current school year and potty trained) through 5th grade. The Gospel Project, a Christ-centered, chronological curriculum, is used. It incorporates traditional teaching, activities, and crafts, along with digital resources to reinforce the lessons. Sunday School also focuses on memory work, including memory verses, books of the Bible, the Lord’s Prayer, and Apostles’ Creed. Sunday School meets following Sunday morning worship for one hour during the school year. Check in for Sunday School occurs after snack and fellowship time from 10:55 am – 11:05 am.

Children’s Church

Children’s Church is offered for children ages 3 (by July 31 and potty trained) through 1st grade. Children are dismissed during the offertory for lessons of their own using the Dwell curriculum and return to the sanctuary for the final song and benediction. It seeks to assist parents in transitioning and preparing young children for participation in the Sunday morning worship service. Children’s Church meets the first four Sundays of the month. In months with a fifth Sunday, we have family worship. Children are dismissed from Sunday morning worship during the offertory song as noted in the bulletin and will return for the final song and benediction.

Children’s Sermons

trinity church kirkwood children's ministry

On the fifth Sunday of the month, as well as special seasons in the church calendar, children are invited to the front of the sanctuary to listen to a brief children’s sermon before returning to their seats. During children’s sermons, a new catechism question is discussed based on the Children’s Catechism.

Kingdom Kids

Children ages 3 (by July 31 of the current school year and potty trained) through 5th grade are given the opportunity to grow friendships and community while further being equipped and discipled in their faith through sharing a meal with one another, lessons from Character By God’s Design, active games, and children’s choir. Rooted in Scripture, Character By God’s Design engages kids to grow to be like Jesus. Children’s Choir seeks to teach our children about the importance of worship, give them excitement to participate in it, and grow their relationship both with the Lord and with other children in our church. Kingdom Kids meets the second and fourth Sundays of the month from 4:30 – 6:30 pm over the course of 14 weeks in the Fall and Spring semesters. Children will eat dinner with their “kingdom” from 4:30 – 5 pm, and then will rotate through games, lessons, and children’s choir until 6:30 pm. Both check in and check out will be in the narthex.

Children’s Choir

Children’s Choir meets on Sunday evenings, as a part of Kingdom Kids and meets the 2nd & 4th Sunday evening of the month (beginning August 25) over the course of 14 weeks in the Fall and Spring semesters. Children ages 3 (by July 31 of the current school year and potty trained) through 5th grade learn about worship using stories and verses in the Bible, play musical games, learn songs that we sing in Sunday morning worship, and learn pieces the children will sing throughout the year. Children’s Choir seeks to teach our children about the importance of worship, give them excitement to participate in it, and grow their relationship both with the Lord and with other children in our church.

Communicants Course

The communicants course is offered for children generally between 1st through 5th grade, but is based on the readiness of the child and an age-appropriate understanding of the gospel. Typically, children that are ready to be communicants remain for the entirety of the worship service. Recognizing parents as the primary disciplers of their children, this at-home course assists families in teaching their children the basics of the Christian faith and preparing their children for their first communion. Once a child (or adult) has completed the communicants course (for adults it’s called the Connect Class) they are scheduled for an interview with two elders, after which the Session will vote to receive them into the membership of the church.

4th & 5th Grade Connection

Once each semester, our 4th and 5th graders meet for fellowship and discipleship. This provides our older children with the opportunity to dig deeper into topics of interest to them, participate in activities geared toward their age, and build deeper relationships with one another before moving up to Youth Group.

Outreach and Community Building Events and Activities

Throughout the year, children and families are invited to various outreach and community building events and activities such as Flannelpalooza, Christmas Craft, Easter Egg Hunt, Summer Kickoff, and Family Nights. Please see Church Center and the Children’s Ministry Newsletter for the most up to date information.

Church Center

Church Center is the primary hub for ministry information. To view details or register for any Children’s Ministry events or programming on the Church Center app, select “more” and then “events.” The church calendar can be viewed by selecting “calendar.” You may also access Church Center through the website by clicking here. If your child’s information is not updated on Church Center with their birthdate and any allergies or medical information, please be sure to do so. Please reach out if you need any assistance.

Children’s Ministry Newsletter

Each month, a newsletter is sent to inform families of any upcoming events and other ministry information. It also provides information for each specific ministry and what they are learning about that month, as well as photos from activities. Please email if you are not on the newsletter list!

New To Trinity?

We would love to get to get to know your family and learn more about your child! Please fill out the Children’s Ministry registration form here. This is needed to utilize our nursery or other children’s programming. Paper forms are also available in person. We look forward to meeting you!

Children’s Ministry Team

Pastor Overseeing Youth and Family Ministry – Rev. Dr. Chris Polski

Interim Children’s Ministry Coordinator – Erin Wagberg

Nursery – Ellen Jackson, Gabby Bailey

Children’s Church – Jessica Doiron

Sunday School – Michelle Goldstein and Melissa Kocher

Kingdom Kids – Erin Wagberg

Children’s Choir – Katie Polski

Playdates – Ministry coordinator position(s) available

Please contact the Children’s Ministry Coordinator for more information at