Holy Week at Trinity


Please take advantage of all the services we are offering at Trinity as we lead up to Easter Sunday. Each service strikes a different note. Maundy Thursday is sorrowful and joyful, just like the Lord’s Supper is, as we remember the night it was instituted. Good Friday is a somber evening, reflecting on the death of the Son of God. Easter Sunday is a celebration of resurrection life and the defeat of death.

Maundy Thursday Service with the Lord’s Supper – 6:30pm

Good Friday Serve – 6:30pm

Easter Worship – 9:30am

We hope to see you, minister to you, answer your questions, pray for you, sing with you, and rejoice together. Come as you are. Come and behold the wondrous mystery of the Table, the Cross, and the Empty Tomb.

Hymn Sings: He Has Done Great Things


Whether we find ourselves in the midst of demanding schedules, confusing life circumstances, or perhaps a season of joy and gladness, it is good to stop, reflect, and remember what God has done.

The idea is to gather for an evening of worship & fellowship with members of our church family. In an intimate setting, we will sing songs old and new led by musicians from our worship ensemble. We’ll also have time for fellowship with desserts provided.

The theme for both evenings is “He Has Done Great Things,” taken from a favorite song we sing at Trinity by Sandra McCracken, We Will Feast in the House of Zion. Come and sing your heart out (softly or loudly, in-tune or out-of-tune), ponder what God has done, listen to others share about what God is doing, and spend time connecting with folks from your church family.

Space is limited. RSVP to the church office.

Everything'>Jesus > Everything

Reformation Celebration

To celebrate the 500th anniversary of the Reformation (if one counts from Luther nailing his 95 theses on the door of the Wittenberg Castle Church), all PCA churches in the Missouri Presbytery are invited to a joint worship service at Twin Oaks Presbyterian Church (1230 Big Bend Road) on Sunday, October 29th at 6pm.