Buy Soup. Support Missions.

The World Missions Committee will have tables set up this Sunday (28th) and next (Feb. 4) to sell chili and soup after worship and Sunday School. All donations go towards the 2018 UK Mission Trip. Get some yummy food and give to support missions!

All Among Us Event – January 21st

Come and participate in a special event and service opportunity at Trinity on Sunday, January 21st from 5-7pm. Our new friend, Cathryn Shaw, from All Among Us, will be coming to talk about the mission of her organization, which seeks to serve the needs of the homeless in St. Louis. This is an opportunity for us to learn more about our neighbors in our city and also serve in a way that meets a great need.

The evening will consist of hearing from Cathryn, asking her questions, eating free pizza, and then stuffing backpacks with donated items. These backpacks will include clothing, special food goods, and toiletries. 

Leading up to the event, Cathryn has provided us a list of needed donations for her homeless friends (see list below). We would like to invite you all to consider donating or purchasing items from the list below. If you have children, think about involving them by bringing them along to the store and discussing what you’re buying. This could also be an opportunity to look through your closet for items you’d like to give away. If you would like to donate clothing that has been used or lightly worn, please make sure those items are clean and in good condition to give away. If you would like to purchase items, please consider giving various sizes from child to adult.

There will be a table in the main hallway where you can drop off donations through Sunday morning of Jan. 21st (you can always drop off during the work week when the church office is open: Mon-Fri 9am-4pm). Even if you can’t make it to the event, please consider participating by donating items.

This event is open to all ages. In fact, we’d love it if we had a good inter-generational representation at this event. 

Winter Wish List 2018

Clothing – think 10 degrees

• Warm Socks

• Winter boots

• Thermal Underwear

• Warm coats

• Hats, gloves, scarves

• Underwear

• Bras

• Hot Hands!!!!!

 Personal Items

• Toenail clippers

• Baby wipes

• Lip balm


• Warm blankets

Food (preferably with pop-top)

• canned stews, pork and beans, hearty soups, nutrition bars, cookies, crackers, water, coffee, creamer, sugar, nuts, canned tuna/chicken), beef jerky, peanut butter, jelly

Gift cards

Schnucks, Dierbergs, Aldi’s, Walmart, Target

McDonald’s, St. Louis Bread Co, Rally’s 

Christmas Concert & Christmas Eve

As well as having our normal 9:30 Sunday morning worship services, we have two, special upcoming Sunday events. Our Christmas Concert is Dec. 17th at 7pm. Bring a friend and plan to stay after for refreshments. Also, our annual Christmas Eve Candlelight Service is at 5pm on the 24th. We hope to see you at both.

Trinity in the Fall

As the leaves change and the weather cools, we are reminded that God’s love is unchanging, his promises are true, and he is faithful. “Oh taste and see that the Lord is good. Blessed is the man who takes refuge in Him!” – Psalm 34:8

Party on the Lawn Pics

What a fun evening a couple weeks ago at Party on the Lawn! Thanks to all who came out. And thank you to all who helped make it happen.


2018 Mission Trip to the U.K.

The World Missions Committee is planning an overseas mission trip to Bury St. Edmunds, Suffolk, England for the summer of
2018. Here are some details:

When: July 26-August 6, 2018

What will we be doing: We are going to support Bury St. Edmunds Presbyterian church in their summer outreach campaign.  We may be assisting with VBS, visiting people, sports, community dinners, construction projects, and other tasks depending on the skills of the group.  In the evenings we will have some time for debriefing, devotionals, and preparation for the next day.  For more info on the BSE Church go to

Cost: $2,100 per person.

How will we raise support: Through individual fundraising, group fundraising, and $500/per person from the World Missions Committee.

Deadline to sign-up: December 10, 2017

Contact: If you want more information, click here to send an email to the church office.

Youth Retreats

Youth and families, don’t miss out on some awesome upcoming retreats. Contact Ben Tharp for more info. You can register for the Jr. High retreat here and the Sr. High retreat here.

Sunday Evening Study & Prayer

Beginning Sunday, September 24th we will have a time of study and prayer from 5:45-6:45pm in the Fireplace Room at the church building. This semester we will study the Book of Colossians.

Young Adults Group BBQ