The Lion & Lamb

“Who is this, both lamb and lion? He endured death as a lamb; he devoured it as lion. Who is this, both lamb and lion? Gentle and strong, lovable and terrifying, innocent and mighty, silent when he was being judged, roaring when he comes to judge…Why a lamb in his passion? Because he underwent death without being guilty of any iniquity. Why a lion in his passion? Because in being slain, he slew death. Why a lamb in his resurrection? Because his innocence is everlasting. Why a lion in his resurrection? Because everlasting also is his might.”

– St. Augustine of Hippo, Sermon 375A.1-2

Holy Week at Trinity


Please take advantage of all the services we are offering at Trinity as we lead up to Easter Sunday. Each service strikes a different note. Maundy Thursday is sorrowful and joyful, just like the Lord’s Supper is, as we remember the night it was instituted. Good Friday is a somber evening, reflecting on the death of the Son of God. Easter Sunday is a celebration of resurrection life and the defeat of death.

Maundy Thursday Service with the Lord’s Supper – 6:30pm

Good Friday Serve – 6:30pm

Easter Worship – 9:30am

We hope to see you, minister to you, answer your questions, pray for you, sing with you, and rejoice together. Come as you are. Come and behold the wondrous mystery of the Table, the Cross, and the Empty Tomb.

A Walk Through Holy Week

Here are two resources for you during Holy Week, especially if you’ve ever wondered what exactly happened between Palm Sunday and Easter Sunday. We know life is busy and moves quickly, so our prayer is that you’ll be able to take time to slow down and ponder Jesus this week.

  1. Easter week in Real Time
  2. Walk with Jesus During His Last Week on Earth