Holy Week at Trinity


Please take advantage of all the services we are offering at Trinity as we lead up to Easter Sunday. Each service strikes a different note. Maundy Thursday is sorrowful and joyful, just like the Lord’s Supper is, as we remember the night it was instituted. Good Friday is a somber evening, reflecting on the death of the Son of God. Easter Sunday is a celebration of resurrection life and the defeat of death.

Maundy Thursday Service with the Lord’s Supper – 6:30pm

Good Friday Serve – 6:30pm

Easter Worship – 9:30am

We hope to see you, minister to you, answer your questions, pray for you, sing with you, and rejoice together. Come as you are. Come and behold the wondrous mystery of the Table, the Cross, and the Empty Tomb.

A Walk Through Holy Week

Here are two resources for you during Holy Week, especially if you’ve ever wondered what exactly happened between Palm Sunday and Easter Sunday. We know life is busy and moves quickly, so our prayer is that you’ll be able to take time to slow down and ponder Jesus this week.

  1. Easter week in Real Time
  2. Walk with Jesus During His Last Week on Earth

Easter Art Project

Dear Trinity Church,

As you are aware, we’ve been working through a sermon series on the reasons we feel restless. This series will lead right up to Easter Sunday. Starting Easter Sunday, April 16th, we want to explore, celebrate, and press into the rest we have in the resurrected Christ.

Here’s where you can help. We are looking for artwork from you to hang in our building’s hallways starting Easter Sunday and for the subsequent weeks. Whether it’s photography, water colors, graphic design, a pencil-sketch, painting, word art, typography, or some other form of art that can be hung on a wall, we want you to be creative and celebrate the new life we have in Christ by creating something.

The theme to work off of is “Resurrection and Rest.” The restless oppression of sin and death gives way to the rest and peace of resurrection joy in Christ. Be creative. Think of ways to honor God, speak truth, and inspire worship through the medium of your art. If you need more inspiration, read some of these passages — Matt. 11:25-30; Matt. 28; Mark 16:1-8; Luke 24; John 11:25-26; 20:1-29; Rom. 8; 1 Cor. 15; 2 Cor. 5:17. Or take an Easter hymn, such as “Christ the Lord is Risen Today,” and let the lyrics inspire you.

If you are interested, please let us know your desire to participate by contacting the church office (amymitchell@trinitystlouis.org). All artwork needs to be finished and turned into the church by Wednesday, April 12. You don’t have to have to a finished idea to say you want to participate, but please do let us know so we can plan accordingly. We anticipate folks having questions, so don’t hesitate to ask for clarification. ALL AGES are welcome to participate. Perhaps some dad or moms might even want to work on something together with their children.

Lastly, please turn in your final product without a frame or finishing, and make sure it’s not larger than 16”x20”. We will prepare them for displaying in the halls.

In Him,
Pastor Nate

“Out of Zion, the perfection of beauty, God shines forth.”
– Psalm 50:2