Big Bend Bridge Closing for Summer

As hopefully everyone knows at this point, the Big Bend Bridge over 270 is closing for the summer. The bridge will be removed and replaced in that time due to some structural concerns. Click here for MoDOT info. Here are some answers to questions you might have.

Q – How long will it last?

A – The bridge closed Thursday night (5/25) and will reopen by the beginning of the school year due to bus routes not wanting to be interrupted. This gives us hope that work will be quick and the timeline followed.

Q – How does that affect those trying to get to Trinity?

A – If you’re coming from the West, it won’t affect you at all. If coming from the East, here are your options:

  • Take Marshall Road to the apartment complex (Timberbrook Drive) and up the hill to get to the church (Glenwood Ln).
  • Get on 270 heading North to Dougherty Ferry Road, then exit and get back on 270 heading South where you can get off Big Bend (note below about the entrance and exit ramps to 270 remaining open).
  • If you’re coming from the North and headed South on 270, you’ll be able to get off the ramp per usual, but after church you will have to either cut through Greenbriar or go to Barrett Station Road to get back to Dougherty Ferry to get back on 270 heading North.

Q – Will the exit and entrance ramps to 270 be open?

A – Yes, we were told the plan is to keep the exit and entrance ramps open the whole summer.

Q – Did you create a map that we can look at to see alternate routes?

A – Yes, we did. Warning: it may be a little confusing, but we tried our best. Here’s a link  — map. Below is the same map embedded in the blog. The red is the closed bridge. The green icon is Trinity. You can see the Marshall Rd. alt-route, the 270 alt-route, the Greenbriar cut-through, and the Barrett Station Rd alt-route.

Please call the church office if you have any questions — 314.821.7311.

For more information from MoDOT, click here.