Entries by trinityadmin

Meet our new Minister of Youth & Family

We are pleased to announce that the Session has called Ben Tharp to serve as Minister of Youth & Family. Ben will begin his tenure on September 1st!  Ben is married to Elisa and both are recent graduates of Covenant Seminary.  Ben and Elisa will be with us for a short visit beginning this Sunday.  […]

Big Bend Bridge Closing for Summer

As hopefully everyone knows at this point, the Big Bend Bridge over 270 is closing for the summer. The bridge will be removed and replaced in that time due to some structural concerns. Click here for MoDOT info. Here are some answers to questions you might have. Q – How long will it last? A […]

What do you fear most?

From Pastor Chris, in preparation for worship this Sunday: What is it that you fear the most? When I was a child, before I went to bed every night, my parents would pull the white shade that covered my window down to bring darkness into my room for sleep. But on heavily moonlight nights the shadows […]


Despite the gloomy weather and the change from an outside picnic to an inside event, the potluck was a blast. Thanks to all for sticking around, bringing delicious food, helping to clean up, and for loving each other.

A Walk Through Holy Week

Here are two resources for you during Holy Week, especially if you’ve ever wondered what exactly happened between Palm Sunday and Easter Sunday. We know life is busy and moves quickly, so our prayer is that you’ll be able to take time to slow down and ponder Jesus this week. Easter week in Real Time […]

Easter Art Project

Dear Trinity Church, As you are aware, we’ve been working through a sermon series on the reasons we feel restless. This series will lead right up to Easter Sunday. Starting Easter Sunday, April 16th, we want to explore, celebrate, and press into the rest we have in the resurrected Christ. Here’s where you can help. […]

Sandra McCracken Concert

Thanks to all who came out to the Sandra McCracken concert last week. We hope you had as wonderful a time as we did. What a worshipful, prayerful, fun evening! We were thrilled to be the opening host for Sandra’s Vespers Tour, and on top of that, we loved having our very own Danika Hawkins […]

Calvin on Lent

At the beginning of Lent (which begins today with Ash Wednesday) it might be helpful to hear the counsel of John Calvin. This excerpt comes from an article at the Gospel Coalition website and maybe helpful for some of you as you prayerfully consider how you will approach Lent. “We observe Calvin’s intentionality in his […]

The Conversion of C.S. Lewis

(Written by Pastor Chris) One of the great heroes of Christian faith in the last century was C.S. Lewis, whose words still feed the souls of many today. Some may not know that while Lewis was born into a family of faith, by the age of fifteen he had rejected it all and become a […]