Entries by Chris Polski

On The Value And Danger Of Traditions

On the Value and Dangers of Tradition From time to time we receive anonymous feedback in the church office on questions or concerns that members of our congregation have concerning church practices or ministries.  Recently we received some feedback that essentially was asking a question about the appropriate dress code in worship. First off, we […]

The Protest of Prayer

I am always very reticent to speak directly into current events for fear of being misunderstood, but from time to time, a pastoral reminder is needed.  I don’t issue this pastoral reminder from a position of pride, but one of human weakness and failures in my own efforts to do what God calls me to. […]

How God Changes Us

Aside from death and taxes there are very few things in this life that come to us automatically, not the least of which is a meaningful and intimate relationship with God. This is an important reminder to us whenever we make the effort to refocus on spiritual formation as it can be easy to conclude […]

Cast Sheep and Good Shepherds

The 23rd Psalm is about God and his people, but it parallels the experiences of shepherds and sheep. Phillip Keller, who grew up in East Africa, and labored as a shepherd there and later in Canada wrote a wonderful little book entitled, A Shepherd Looks at Psalm 23. I want to quote him at length […]

What’s your plan?

Our 2017 preaching theme is “He restores our souls (Ps 23:4).” But how will the Lord do it? Will he send a bolt of lightning from heaven? All things are possible with God, but this isn’t probably the means that He will use to sharpen each one of us spiritually.  More likely, if there is […]

Thoughts on Thematic Preaching

This is the second year that we’ve attempted an over-arching preaching theme for Trinity.  Last year our theme was “Who is my neighbor?” This year our theme is “He restores our souls!” Now some have asked me whether or not its a good idea to have an annual preaching theme that becomes so central to the […]

God’s Mysterious Providence

“It will never do to sacred words!” Those are the words of the great Felix Mendelssohn, the 19th century German composer. They were spoken in regard to a piece of choral music he had composed in 1740 called Festgesang #7. The music had been originally composed to commemorate the invention of the printing press. For a […]

Are you loved?

“God loves us not because we are lovable but because he is love; not because he needs to receive but because he delights to give.” C.S. Lewis   He rules the world with truth and grace, And makes the nations prove, The glories of his righteousness, And wonders of his love, And wonders of his love, And wonders, wonders, of […]

Joy to the World! The Curse is Broken!

Joy to the World! Rev. Chris Polski   “There is as much difference between spiritual joys and earthly pleasures as between a banquet that is eaten and one that is painted on a wall.” Sir Thomas Watson The theme for this Third Sunday of Advent is “Joy.”  But what is joy? In our day and […]